Thursday, April 7, 2011


Ok, I know this post is a little late. But it is still Thursday. Unless you are on the other side of the world. Then yes, this post is late. Oops.

Then let me placate your rage with some programs....

1) Belarc Advisor

Your old computer is crapping out on you. Hard. You go and buy a new computer. You run home to tell everyone about it like you just found the golden ticket. Once you're in your room you fire it up and put the disk in for your favorite program. Then you realize: "Crap. I don't have the information for the disk anymore." Then it really hits you. "Holy sweet Baby Moses, I don't have the validation codes anymore!!!"

Guess who didn't backup his work?

That's where Belarc Advisor comes in. This sweet little puppy will give you a very detailed profile of the computer it's installed on. It will give you sizes, validation codes, rates, speeds, whats installed, what its hooked up to, and even what else is on the same network. It is like omnipotence in a .exe file.

The Dirty:
-FREE (see a pattern here?)
-Very very small program.
-Does not upload any information to anywhere. Creates the profile on a local web page. If you already have the installer you don't need the Internet at all.

2) Photoscape

Photoscape is nice in the fact that you can basically do whatever you want to a photo easily. You can even create gifs with it.

This is a gif. You're welcome.

True, there is other photo editing software out there that do just as much. But with Photoscape it is very easy for the uninitiated to get adjusted to it. My wife uses it all the time and she has saved some not-so-good photos from the delete button with the auto balance tool or by manually adjusting settings.

The Dirty:
-Constantly updated
-Easy user interface

3) DownForEveryoneOrJustMe

Holy crap, Facebook isn't working. You start to panic. Your hands are sweating. You begin to convulse. But you have just enough strength and fortitude to try and find out why. This site can let you know if its just you and your laptop with 17 toolbars in your browser, or if Facebook has divided by zero and collided Higgs-Boson particles AT THE SAME TIME and created a tear in the fabric of time.

"Mittens sees everything that you do. And he does not approve."

All you have to do is type the offending  website address in the box and press enter or "or just me" on the site. Then it will let you know if it's you or not. That simple. That easy.

The Dirty:

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